Via Ugo Foscolo, 4
20121 Milan
Via Privata Ugo Ricci, 3
22063 Cantu

A sculptural body with fat removal
Localized aspiration of excess fat is called liposuction or liposculpture. It allows you to define body profiles to improve the silhouette and have a more toned body. It is not an intervention to lose weight or lose lost; indeed I always recommend being followed by a nutritionist to reach the day of surgery with a stable weight!

The procedure
Liposuction or liposculpture indicates a surgical treatment aimed at removing localized fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise. Usually the areas of accumulation are: belly, hips, culottes de cheval, love handles, knees, thighs.
The surgery can be performed under local anesthesia or sedation, so that the patient does not notice anything during the surgery.
After the surgery, the patient can return to daily activities with some precautions. In particular, for 30 days he will have to wear a sheath that allows the skin to heal and the best possible result. Moderate physical exercise (e.g. walking) is recommended to allow for a faster recovery from post-operative swelling.
Liposuction is not a treatment aimed at improving cellulite or stretch marks.
The procedure
Thanks to the use of microcannulas, the operation is painless and recovery is very rapid. Areas such as belly, hips, back, arms, legs, bikini can be treated
The procedure
Once sucked out, the fat will never re-form and the body will appear slimmer. It is recommended to maintain an ideal weight to enhance the success of the surgery