Via Ugo Foscolo, 4
20121 Milan
Via Privata Ugo Ricci, 3
22063 Cantu

Breast augmentation
Additive Mastoplasty
Breast augmentation is the surgery that allows volumetric augmentation of the breasts or the correction of defects. It is one of the most popular interventions, it is minimally invasive and allows a quick post-operative recovery.

Breast Implants
The choice of implants falls on both physical measures and preferential factors of the surgeon. At the end of the consultation, having taken thoracic and anthropometric measurements, it will be known approximately what volume it may be possible to implant. I often ask my patients to trust my aesthetic sense and to leave the final choice to me, which will be made in the operating room by trying out different shapes and models. I always call for caution, because our body can't always bear disproportionate volumes, under penalty of serious consequences on physical health.
My favorite brands are Polytech, Eurosilicone and B-Lite