Via Ugo Foscolo, 4
20121 Milan
Via Privata Ugo Ricci, 3
22063 Cantu

The natural revitalization of body tissues
Mesotherapy is a term that indicates the execution of microscopic punctures (picotage) on the skin and dermal level to resolve certain blemishes such as cellulite, water retention, orange peel, localized adiposity, culottes des cheval, venous and lymphatic insufficiency, tissue sagging. Intralipotherapy, on the other hand, is a mesotherapy aimed at reducing fatty deposits without resorting to surgical interventions.
Our mission: to solve a female problem. Cellulite, orange peel and other blemishes: there is a quick and painless solution to regain serenity. Thanks to his vast experience and case studies, Dr Zattoni will be able to give the best advice
I Risultati
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