Liposuction, as well known, is the surgical technique aimed at removing excess adipose tissue. But how is it performed?
In recent times, techniques have been used that are increasingly aimed at safeguarding skin tone, which does not always remain optimal after surgery. These techniques attack the dermis causing scar retraction. However, they are extremely painful methods and do not always allow the desired results.
In my procedures, I exploit the principle of residual skin elasticity, touching the superficial adipose layers as little as possible, focusing at 360 degrees on the deep layers. This allows to mobilize a very large adipose skin flap, which re-stretches on the muscle tissues leaving few or no imperfections. Furthermore, the patient will have very little pain and few bruises, since the dermis is not involved. The day after the surgery the patient will be able to walk, wearing a containment sheath 24/7, that is removed by the surgeon in 7 days.
In the following photos it is possible to see the results at 7 days, of a "bikini" liposuction surgery, ie of the belly, hips and back, with a fat aspirate of about 4l. The main preoccupation was the flaccidity of the lower abdomen, which did not occur. The subject did not intend to perform an abdominoplasty, nor was a full candidate. He is extremely pleased with the early result.
The treatment will continue with 4-6 quadripolar radiofrequency cycles, definitive healing will be observed in about 9 months.